Helper to plot multiple ranges on top of environmental layers
plot_ranges(sp_ranges, sp_records = NULL, variable, range_colors = NULL, color_variable = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL)
sp_ranges | list of SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects representing species ranges. |
sp_records | a SpatialPointsDataFrame of species occurrences. |
variable | a RasterLayer representing an environmental variable. |
range_colors | vector of colors for borders of species ranges. If
color_variable | a color palette (a vector of continuous colors generated
by functions like heat.colors). If |
xlim | the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot. |
ylim | the y limits (x1, x2) of the plot. |
A plot showing species ranges on top of a environmental variable.
# example data data("buffer_range", package = "rangemap") data("cxhull_range", package = "rangemap") ranges <- list(buffer_range@species_range, cxhull_range@species_range) var <- raster::stack(system.file("extdata", "variables.tif", package = "rangemap"))[[1]] # plotting plot_ranges(ranges, variable = var)