Extent of occurrence of a species based on convex hull polygons

eoo(occurrences, polygons)



a data.frame containing geographic coordinates of species occurrences, columns must be: Species, Longitude, and Latitude. Geographic coordinates must be in decimal degrees (WGS84).


SpatialPolygons object to clip convex hulls to these limits. Projection must be WGS84 (EPSG:4326).


A list containing a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of the extent of occurrence, and a vector with the areas in km2 of the spatial polygons resulted. Projection of resulting spatial object is Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area.


Areas are calculated in square kilometers using the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection, centered on the centroid of occurrence points given as inputs.


# occurrences data("occ_f", package = "rangemap") occ <- unique(occ_f) # polygons poly <- simple_wmap("simple", "Cuba") LAEA <- LAEA_projection(occ[, 2:3]) poly_pr <- sp::spTransform(poly, LAEA) # to fix topology problems poly_pr <- rgeos::gBuffer(poly_pr, width = 0) # EOO eoo_pe <- eoo(occurrences = occ, polygons = poly_pr)