Area of occupancy of a species as defined by the IUCN
aoo(occ_pr, species)
occ_pr | SpatialPointsDataFrame of occurrence records. Projection must be one that allows safe calculation of areas (e.g., Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area). |
species | (character) scientific name of the species. |
A list containing a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of the area of occupancy, and a vector with the areas in km2 of the spatial polygons resulted.
# data data("occ_p", package = "rangemap") occ <- unique(occ_p) WGS84 <- sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326") occ_sp <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = occ[, 2:3], data = occ, proj4string = WGS84) LAEA <- LAEA_projection(spatial_object = occ_sp) occ_pr <- sp::spTransform(occ_sp, LAEA) sp <- as.character(occ[1, 1]) # AOO aoo_pe <- aoo(occ_pr = occ_pr, species = sp)