
An R package to run the Mobility Oriented-Parity Metric

An example of how MOP identifies non-analogous conditions

What is mop?

mop is an R package with a set of tools to perform the Mobility Oriented-Parity (MOP) metric, which helps to compare a set of conditions of reference versus another set of of interest. The main goals of the MOP metric are to explore conditions in the set of interest that are non-analogous to those in the reference set, and to quantify how different conditions in the set of interest are. The tools included here help to identify conditions outside the rages of the reference set with greater detail than in earlier implementations. These tools are based on the methods proposed by Owens et al. (2013).

Check the mop package

If you want to try this tool you can install it on R from CRAN using install.packages("mop"). An example of its use can be found here.

Marlon E. Cobos
Marlon E. Cobos
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interests include ecology and biogeography, methods and tools for predictive modeling, and evolutionary adaptation.