
An R package for detailed ecological niche modeling

What is kuenm?

kuenm is an R package designed to make the process of model calibration and final model creation easier and more reproducible, and at the same time more robust. The aim of this package is to design suites of candidate models to create diverse calibrations of Maxent models and enable selection of optimal parameterizations for each study. Other objectives of this program are to make the task of creating final models and their transfers easier, as well to permit assessing extrapolation risks when model transfers are needed. Check the reference in Cobos et al. (2019).

Check the kuenm package

If you want to try this tool you can install it on R from GitHub using remotes::install_github("marlonecobos/kuenm"). An example of its use can be found here.

Marlon E. Cobos
Marlon E. Cobos
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interests include ecology and biogeography, methods and tools for predictive modeling, and evolutionary adaptation.