Biodiversity and Conservation

Exploring and analyzing biodiversity data is something that I have always wanted to do. I am part of a group of researchers in charge of the development of a few informatics tools aiming to help researchers to understand biodiversity patterns.
Biodiversity inventory
Have you ever wondered where to go to register biodiversity more efficiently?
biosurvey is an R package that implements multiple tools to select sampling sites for biodiversity inventory. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of such sites by considering the relationship between environmental and geographic conditions in a region of interest. Take a look at the code and user guide if you are interested. Link to software
Simple ways to explore species ranges
If you want to perform quick and simple explorations of species distribution ranges based on occurrence data, this may interest you.
rangemap is an R package with tools to create species range maps based on occurrence data, statistics, and Spatial objects. Other tools of this package can be used to analyze environmental characteristics of the species ranges and to create high quality figures of these maps. Take a look at the code and user guide if you are interested. Link to software