Communicating our results at EEID 2024
Predicting dynamics of tick questing activity

Tick-borne disease has come to be appreciated as a major public health concern in North America. Amblyomma americanum, the lone star tick, can transmit multiple zoonotic pathogens, including the primary causative agent of ehrlichiosis in humans. This tick species is also associated with the development of alpha-gal syndrome, or red meat allergy. This tick predominates in the eastern half of the United States (US) and has been moving westward over the last few decades.
Predciting dynamics of questing activity
Tick questing activity refers to the behavior of ticks actively seeking a host to feed on. Our work focused on characterizing the environmental conditions that favor this behavior in ticks. Below you can find a GIF animation that shows the dynamics of suitability for questing for the lone star tick in the central great plains 20020-2022.
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If you are at EEID on June 26th, come and check our poster at 5:00-6:30 PM.